The ‘REVIEW’ tab grows with you as you learn, so we thought it was worth taking some time to introduce it.

That way, you don't miss out on any features that make your review time more effective.

[Warning: this is a rather looooong article, so we suggest using the Table of Contents to jump to the sections that interest you]

And now, without further ado...



  1. shows the total number of learning points you've studied so far and can be quizzed on, this is also the total number of Flashcards you currently have (in addition: A = B + C )
  2. shows (no. of vocabulary words you've studied so far) / (total vocabulary words in this level of your current language course)
  3. shows (no. of grammar points / sentences you've studied so far) / (total grammar points / sentences in this level of your current language course) 

The ‘REVIEW’ tab can basically be divided into 3 parts:

  1. A “self-learning” / “self-evaluation” section, made up of the Flashcards, and (for some but not all languages) the Knowledge Cards;
  2. A “practice” section, consisting of the ‘Vocabulary’ and ‘Grammar’ parts; and
  3. A “self-assessment” section, being the '5-Min Quiz'

Remember, the more lessons you do, the more learning points (and therefore the more Flashcards, Vocab and Grammar exercises) you’ll accumulate in the ‘REVIEW’ tab. To have sufficient material accumulated for a meaningful session, we usually suggest starting your first review after completing 2-3 units.


An important component of the ‘REVIEW’ tab is the rating system, which assigns a "status" to each learning point based on how well you know it. The status of each learning point is designated as follows: 

  • ‘New’: learning points from newly studied lessons that you haven't reviewed in the 'REVIEW' tab yet (learning points you've practiced in 'Practice makes perfect' will still be shown as 'New')
  • ‘Weak’: learning points that were answered incorrectly from your most recent review session, or that you mark as ‘Weak’ during Flashcard practice. If you have 'Weak' grammar points / sentences in your Flashcards, we will send you notifications reminding you to practice (but only if you turn 'Reminders' on) - you can click the link in the reminder to go directly to a targeted review of these;
  • ‘Good’: learning points you mark as ‘Good’ during Flashcard practice (this status is not automatically assigned); and 
  • ‘Perfect’: learning points that were answered correctly from your most recent review session, or that you mark as ‘Perfect’ during Flashcard practice

Learning points / Flashcards will always be marked with their latest status. So if you mark a learning point as "Weak" but answer questions on it correctly during your review session, it will be redesignated as "Perfect". You can always go back into Flashcards and change the status of a learning point depending on how much you want to practice it :)

This is designed to help make your review session more targeted and more effective for strengthening your recall of new vocab/sentences and/or those that aren’t as deeply engraved in your memory. For example, when you click into ‘5-Min Quiz’, the session will kick-off with your ‘Weak’ learning points.


Knowledge Cards

Knowledge Cards, when they are included in the ‘REVIEW’ tab, are there to provide an additional, readily accessible avenue for accessing the ‘Learning Tips’ from each unit. 

Each key grammar point is given its own individual card, and you can add the cards you want to do more work on to ‘FAVORITES’ so they’re easy to find.

You can also click on the magnifying class in the top right hand corner to use the search function and find Knowledge Cards by unit.


Flashcards are a tried and true learning tool. 

Use our customization features to set the length and content of your session, and to help you target different learning goals.

a. Customizing the length and content

When you click into 'Flashcards' (the large circle with the antlered deer), you'll see several options for setting up the parameters of your review session.Choose how many Flashcards you want to review this session. If you have fewer Flashcards than the number you choose to practice, your session will end when you’ve finished reviewing all the cards.Choose whether you want to review content from all the units you’ve studied so far, or if you want to focus on learning points from one (or more) specific unit(s).Choose whether you want to concentrate on individual vocabulary words, focus on complete sentences, or both.

b. Targeting different learning goals

Use different display settings to help you achieve different language learning goals

You can choose to display Flashcards in: 
  • the target language (in this case Japanese);
  • Translation; or
  • Audio

You can also choose whether audio is autoplayed before you check the answer, after you check the answer, or turned off completely

Here are some options we suggest for targeting different learning goals

what things mean

The first step when learning any language is to be able to match words and sentences with their corresponding meanings. For this, we recommend you use the Flashcards in default mode

Once you’re comfortable that you’ve got a pretty good grasp at recognizing what words and sentences mean, see if you can put them together yourself in the language you’re learning.
At this point, we suggest that you
display Flashcards in "Translation"
Extra practice /
Honing your listening skills

If you want to practice your listening skills, and you’re also up for some extra practice and a bit of a challenge, then try doing a few rounds with the Flashcards in "Audio" display mode

With the Flashcards in the default display mode:

  1. Listen to the Flashcard being read by a native speaker
  2. Speak the word or sentence out loud yourself
  3. Speak or write the meaning of the word or sentence
  4. Click on ‘SHOW ANSWER’ to check if you got things right

With the Flashcards displayed in "Translation":

  1. Read the Flashcard and speak and/or write the word or sentence in the language you’re learning
  2. Click on ‘SHOW ANSWER’
  3. Listen to the Flashcard being read by a native speaker and repeat out loud
  4. Refer back to the Flashcard, check your answer, and make corrections if necessary 

With the Flashcards in "Audio" display:

  1. Listen to the Flashcard being read by a native speaker and repeat out loud
  2. Write the word/sentence in the language you’re learning (optional and great for consolidating your learning, but we know circumstances don’t always allow this)
  3. Speak or write the meaning of the word/sentence
  4. Click on ‘SHOW ANSWER’ to check if you got things right, and make corrections if necessary

c. Self-evaluation

After you click 'SHOW ANSWER', you'll be asked to rate your knowledge of the Flashcard as 'Weak', 'Good' or 'Perfect'. 

Remember, your self-evaluation will affect which cards are shown to you in a default review session (preference is given to 'Weak' cards), and the order in which they're presented. It will also affect the exercises given to you when you use the 'Weak only' setting in the 'Vocabulary' and 'Grammar' sections, as well as the content you're tested on in the '5-Min Quiz' (more details for both are provided below). 

So please be circumspect — and that includes not being too modest — if you rate all or most Flashcards as 'Weak' to get additional practice on them, you end up losing the benefit of targeted review. (Though the app will self-correct for you to a degree - if you do questions on a learning point and get them right, the Flashcard will be re-designated as 'Perfect')


The aim of these sections is to give you as many different exercises as possible for the learning points you want to cover. Each Vocabulary and Grammar session is around the same length as a lesson, or approximately 20 questions (the exception is if you select 'Shuffle 40', in which case there are 40 questions). It lets you practice the same learning point using different exercises (e.g. multiple choice and fill in the blanks; listening and putting sentences in the right order; and other combinations and variations). 

So the Vocabulary and Grammar sections are particularly helpful for focused repetition and reinforcement of selected (and not too big) sets of learning points.

Again, there are several options for customization

Customization Options:Custom / AllShuffle 20 / Shuffle 40Weak Only
Click on "Settings" in the top right hand corner to select the options for your Vocabulary or Grammar review sessionChoose the “Custom” or “ALL” option to select which unit(s) you want to review
Under the "ALL" option, all units you've studied are preselected - you can uncheck any units you don't want to review this time round
Under the "Custom" option, only the unit you studied most recently is selected - you can check other units to add them to the review session
Choose the “Shuffle 20” or “Shuffle 40” option to review 20/40 learning points, randomly selected from each of the units you’ve completed
The orange numbers tell you how many learning points in the review session will come from that particular unit
If you don't like the combination, on iOS devices, you can click on the "refresh" icon for a new set of 20/40 learning points
(coming soon to Android)
Choose the “Weak only” option to review up to 50 learning points designated as 'Weak' or 'New' (if you have fewer than 50 'Weak' / 'New' learning points, all of them will be reviewed)
Again, the numbers in orange tell you how many learning points in the upcoming review session will come from a particular unit

Whether you go for breadth — maximizing the number of learning points/units covered, or depth — maximizing the intensity of reinforcement, is entirely up to you.


This section is a quick quiz that’s designed to help you review the learning points you’re least familiar with (based on previously completed exercises/lessons and your self-designations). You will be tested on up to 50 learning points from all the units you have studied, with 'Weak' learning points and content from the earliest lessons being tested first. 

The quiz ends at the end of 5 minutes, or when you have completed the questions for all learning points, whichever happens first. (If you have not yet completed enough lessons to accumulate 50 learning points, the quiz will end when you have been tested on all learning points you have covered.) The rating of each learning point will also be updated based on how you did in the quiz.


It’s a quick and easy way of consolidating those words and sentences that need the most extra practice, and helps you avoid neglecting earlier content once you’ve had a couple of units under your belt.